Maureen has been creating art since a child growing up in Chelmsford, Massachusetts.
At age 45 she came to the realization, she should dedicate her career to doing what she loves and began the journey of painting professionally and teaching. She has won numerous awards locally and regionally including CAS professional division in drawing and graphics, mixed medias, oils, and acrylics; WRAS in art under glass and NET in the professional division in numerous categories. Maureen's work is shown in many private collections throughout New England.
More recently Maureen decided to share her talent and techniques, and she began the journey of teaching. She teaches five classes per week and at numerous conventions including SDP, HOOT and NET. Maureen's first magazine article will be published in the Painting magazine in February 2011 edition, she will also be writing for the August edition of the Painting magazine.
To have Maureen teach at a seminar for you or your painting group, please contact her at or by fax at 978-256.5949.
Painting nutures one's spirit.